Tens of thousands of children have passed through our classrooms and out into the world, filled with faith, knowledge, and virtues. We are so proud of our students and the Catholic formation and education they receive in our parish school. Christ the King School is one of our major and most significant evangelical efforts in the parish and we are constantly thinking of ways to improve it.
We are pleased to announce the creation of a special ad hoc committee in the parish. The School Visioning Committee (SVC) – in addition to four ex-officio members composed of our Principal, Stewardship & Mission Development Coordinator, and the two parish Priests – is made up of eight appointed parishioners currently active at Christ the King. Members were selected broadly from every council and committee in the parish and from among school families and teachers. This committee is an advisory committee to the pastor and is charged to:
1) Comprehensively summarize the relationship between the parish and the school.
2) Identify and analyze the school’s current and future needs.
3) Suggest to the pastor a cogent action plan to address the needs identified in #2 above, within the framework of the parish.
SVC meetings are closed and attendance outside the committee membership is by invitation only.