Father Robert Hupp, born in Wynot, Nebraska, on July 3, 1915, was ordained a priest in 1940. After stints at St. Bridget and St. Margaret Mary parishes in Omaha, he entered World War II, serving three years on the uSS Corregidor in the South Pacific. In the postwar years, he was assistant pastor at St. Mary parish in Omaha and athletic director of the Catholic Youth Organization. He was serving at St. Mary in Wayne, Nebraska, when the archbishop called him in 1953 to become founding pastor of Christ the King parish in Omaha. Parishioners loved his pastoral sense and homespun wisdom, and he cherished his 20 years there. Father next became executive director of Boys Town, expanding the famed institution's reach, and in 1976 was appointed delegate-at-large to the United Nations by President Gerald Ford. Father Hupp retired from Boys Town in 1985, and the church named him a monsignor in recognition of "his exemplary life's work as a priest." He died August 29, 2003.