The Feast of the Presentation on this Tuesday, February 2nd, originated in 4th century Jerusalem. It came to be celebrated in Rome by the middle of the 5th century under its Greek title, Ύπαπαντή or, the “Feast of the Meeting”; it is also colloquially known as Candlemas Day because devotional candles used in the home and church are traditionally blessed on this day. In the traditional liturgical calendar this day marked the end of the Christmas Season – it, therefore, also marks the last day our outdoor Christmas lights will remain on.
The feast this weekend commemorates the day in which the 40 day-old infant Jesus was presented to the Father at the temple and in which the prophet Simeon declared Christ to be a “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel” (Lk. 2:32).
Using candles blessed during the Feast of the Presentation, we will bestow the blessing of throats through the intercession of St. Blaise at the end of the 8:15 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Masses on Wednesday, Feb. 3. We ask all ministers and those receiving the blessing to wear masks as they receive the blessing while in their pews. Fr. Cook and Fr. Boyd will also be at the school to bless all of our students’ throats.