It has been almost a year since the bishops of Nebraska jointly decided to give a dispensation from Mass attendance on the Sabbath and Holy Days of Obligation because of COVID. While that dispensation remains in effect, I want to invite those who have been coming back to church to meet others where they are and to gently encourage them to return to church in some fashion this Lent.
Mind you, people could come back for devotions with smaller crowds like the Stations of the Cross, or they could attend one of our weekday Masses with fewer congregants. They could even make a visit to the church during the off hours when no one is around or stop into the Adoration Chapel. Some may be intimidated by Sunday crowds still but now is the time to invite them to make those first, small steps back into our liturgical life by reacquainting themselves and their families with the church building itself.
In love, let’s welcome home our neighbors and friends during these holy 40 days. Could there be a better Lenten resolution?
Ash Wednesday
Feb. 17 is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Masses with the distribution of ashes will occur this Wednesday at
6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., and 12:10 p.m. We also have
an additional Mass at 6 p.m. in which we
ask everyone to wear masks throughout the entirety of the liturgy. Please remember that Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting for all people 59 years old and younger, and a day of abstaining from meat for all people 14 years and older.
Lenten Confessions on Thursdays
We will offer additional times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. in the church on all of the Thursdays before Holy Week: Feb. 18 & 25; March 4, 11, 18 & 25. Please take advantage of the gift of Jesus’ mercy at these special times.
Stations of the Cross
Walk with Jesus through the traditional Stations of the Cross on Fridays in Lent.
2:15 p.m.—Stations of the Cross with Eucharistic Benediction (with our school children) [Feb. 19; March 5, 19, & 26]
5:00 p.m.—Stations of the Cross with Eucharistic Benediction (whole parish) [Every Friday Feb. 19- March 26]